纯水南加州 to receive nearly $100 million to advance development of new climate-resilient water supply
卡森市. – Metropolitan Water District’s program to create a new water supply for Southern California by purifying water currently being sent to the ocean received a funding boost today from the U.S. 垦务局.
填海专员卡米尔·卡林姆·图顿宣布了99美元.200万美元的资金 纯水南加州 at an event held at the regional recycled water program’s demonstration plant in Carson, 在那里她和U.S. 森. 亚历克斯·帕迪拉,美国.S. 代表. 恩纳波利塔诺, California State Water 资源 Control Board Chair Joaquin Esquivel and representatives from Metropolitan, 洛杉矶县环卫区, 以及其他获得联邦资金的水务机构.
“适当的, 有复原力和安全的供水对健康至关重要, 我们社区的经济和安全. Investment in water 回收 and reuse are key to stretching limited water supplies, making systems more resilient to the effects of aridification in the American West,图顿说. “Water 回收 is an innovative and cost-effective tool that can help make our water supplies more reliable, 帮助社区寻找新的资源来满足他们今天的需求, 但最重要的是满足我们未来的需求.”
Metropolitan and the Sanitation Districts are partnering on the Pure Water project, which will take cleaned wastewater that is currently sent to the ocean and purify it using an advanced, multi-stage purification process to produce high-quality drinking water. 如果大都会董事会批准的话, 全尺寸, the program will produce 150 million gallons of water each day – enough to meet the demands of 500,000个家庭,这些将被送到地下水盆地, industrial facilities and two of Metropolitan’s water treatment plants.
“Purified recycled water isn’t just a new supply of water, it is a climate-resilient one. That is precisely what we need as climate change challenges us with increasingly dramatic swings in weather, 每次干旱似乎都比前一次更严重. 有可靠的水供应, 不受天气影响, 将为我们的社区提供一个关键的可靠性来源,大都会董事会主席Adán Ortega说, Jr. “我们非常感谢联邦合作伙伴的支持.”
The newly announced federal funds will help advance design work and improvements to existing infrastructure needed for the project. Construction could begin as soon as 2026 and the first water could be delivered in 2032.
Metropolitan 总经理 Adel Hagekhalil thanked Commissioner Touton and the Biden administration for their investment in the Pure Water program.
“Ensuring Southern California has a reliable water supply takes us all working together. And it also benefits the entire state and country, not just the 19 million people who live here. 我们的企业和工业是国家的经济引擎. 我们需要水来使这个引擎运转起来。.
“The Pure Water demonstration project is primed to evolve and become a long-term solution to meet the needs of our region’s water demands using our last untapped source of wastewater,罗伯特·费兰特说, general manager and chief engineer of 洛杉矶县环卫区. “We are grateful for the generous support of our agency partners and the 垦务局’s financial commitment to help us achieve this goal."
“We know that it’s only a matter of time until the next devastating drought, which is why we need every tool at our disposal to protect our region’s precious water supplies. 今天的声明, made possible by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law investments in large-scale water 回收 projects, 会不会帮我们建立一个更可靠的, 南加州更有弹性的供水系统.”
– U.S. 森. 亚历克斯·帕迪拉(加州民主党.)
“我要感谢垦务局局长, 我的朋友, 卡米尔Touton, for gathering us to announce this long-awaited enormous investment into our large-scale regional projects. I can’t think of a better facility to be at nor to receive these critical funds: Pure Water. The Pure Water Project is a shining example of what the partnership between local water agencies like the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and 洛杉矶县环卫区 can accomplish. Water instability and unpredictable drought cycles will affect us for years to come, and ensuring water security for our communities requires this type of collaboration between all, as well as a commitment to dedicate funding to support water 回收 projects. I am incredibly grateful for the leadership of not only my colleagues in Congress who fought to secure the funding being awarded today, 也感谢我们和联调局的合作, which has worked tirelessly in the Biden-Harris administration to fund critical water infrastructure projects. I look forward to our continued efforts to ensure further investments into water 回收, 特别是大规模的水循环利用计划, 还能赚到更多的钱.”
– U.S. 代表. 格蕾丝·纳波利塔诺(D-El Monte)
“Water 回收 is a key part of Governor Newsom’s 水的供应 Strategy to make up for the water we expect to lose by 2040 due to hotter, 干燥条件下. Thanks in part to federal-state partnership through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, 董事会已经分配了1美元.自2019年以来,70亿美元用于水循环项目. Water 回收 is a critical and capital-intensive component of our long-term plans, and additional federal support of major 回收 efforts like these will help California confront its climate challenges.”
- Joaquin Esquivel,国家水资源控制委员会主席
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a state-established cooperative that, 连同它的26个城市和零售供应商, 为6个县的1900万人提供水. The district imports water from the 科罗拉多河 and Northern California to supplement local supplies, 并帮助其成员加强水资源保护, 回收, 存储和其他资源管理程序.
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